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Learning HTML/CSS coding to make an EPUB using Sigil

I am planning to make an ebook using epub format. I have searched in this subreddit (and also other subreddits, but most of them are to be found here) that Sigil is one of the most preferred software in terms of creating epubs out there. Upon checking out different epub creators such as Calibre, etc. and comparing it to Sigil, I kind of felt/believed (clearly a subjective opinion) that Sigil can possibly provide the users more control and features to the epub file that they are making, if the user knows most of the basic/fundamental controls in that software.I really would like to try to learn Sigil and prove such "subjective opinion" myself, and also simply learn how to make epubs using Sigil, but I felt that for me to be able to do that, I need to learn at least the basics of HTML and CSS coding (I might be wrong, that that is what I currently believe). In the lastest versions of Sigil, Book View is not available anymore (and I have verified this in the github page of the build as well). Book view provides a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) interface that I find more user-friendly to those who completely doesn't have any ideas in HTML and/or CSS coding just like me. Since I am using Fedora Linux 37 on my hardware, I tried downloading Sigil in the fedora respositories and the one which was installed is the last Sigil version where the Book view is still available (I believe it is 0.16, but I might be wrong). Despite being able to input characters, phrases, and sentences in my work using the Book View, I still have a lot of questions and things I wished I know about working with Sigil (i.e. HTML, CSS, etc.). For example, how can I change fonts, how can I add lines and shapes, how can I add footnotes and endnotes, and so on. I was able to figure out some of these questions, but for the most part, I wasn't able to follow different Youtube tutorials because the instruction, at times, feels complicated, and I am a slow learner. I still feel that I need to learn a lot of things in "a proper order" for me to be seamless in my workflow.So as of the moment, I resorted on using LibreOffice Writer and exporting it as EPUB. The generated EPUBs are fine, but it just feels off (i.e. Page breaks, and so on.) I was able to do some writings, but eventually, I still ended up using PD format (PDF) when I am already sharing it to my friends. I felt that Sigil can still address those "off" formatting and layouts for the outcome. (I am not sure if I really found those stuff i.e. page breaks "off" 'cause my writings ultimately turned out fine for my friends who read my works, or I am just making excuses with the intention of learning Sigil, the latter being the more obvious reason for this lengthy post\**)Excuse me for that long and possibly irrelevant story, but my question is "Is there any materials, Youtube channels, or whatever for non-coders that can possibly help me in getting started in knowing HTML/CSS coding specifically for Sigil or at least EPUB creation?" I really want to master Sigil so that I could maximize its potentials and features, and I think I have to know at least the basics of HTML/CSS coding for me to reach that point (but again, I might be wrong. Please feel free to share your thoughts on that matter). Aside from that, I am also starting to take an interest in coding because it seems to be one of the most in-demand industries in my country (Philippines), and it seems to be fun \and frustrating at times too, as told by my high school classmate who is currently working in the the software development industry]). I want to somehow start building my knowledge in coding starting from making epubs using Sigil (which is my immediate goals as of the moment) since I would like to do some writing as of the moment too and eventually picking myself up wherever my knowledge in HTML and CSS coding might lead me.Thank you for your answers in advance. If you feel like recommending other free (not necessarily open source, 'cause just like what you can infer, i don't know coding and programming and all of those stuffs) applications for me to use instead of Sigil, feel free to do so, but my mind is set on learning the basics (at least) of Sigil and be at least less than averagely proficient with it so that I could make "decent" epubs. I would love to receive recommendations that are easily compatible and installed to my Fedora Linux Workstation (37, and I will soon upgrade to 38).Thank again, and sorry in advance if I committed multiple grammatical errors or hard-to-understand statements. English is not my mother tongue. via /r/ebooks https://ift.tt/sSDnG15
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